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Contact us: Cristelle Bretnacher

or by phone at + 352 661 861 516

Design & Realization

Cristelle Bretnacher

16 rue Eecherschmelz

L-1481 Luxembourg


Website hosting:


500 Terry A François Blvd

San Francisco – CA 94140 – United States

Phone: +1 415-639-9034



GENERAL TERMS OF USE Last updated: December 5, 2023



The website (hereinafter the "Site"), published by Cristelle Bretnacher (hereinafter "Cristelle Bretnacher" or "we"), is a site for connecting Cristelle Bretnacher, a personal and corporate development coach and founder of Cristelle Bretnacher, with people visiting the Site's content and, if applicable, contacting/making appointments with Cristelle Bretnacher. Accessing, consulting, browsing, and/or using the Site and its services constitutes full and complete acceptance of these general terms of use (hereinafter "GTU"), which aim to define the terms of use of the Site and its services by anyone accessing, consulting, browsing, and/or using all or part of the Site and its services (hereinafter "User"). Therefore, before using the Site and its services, the User is invited to read these GTU, and for any appointment made on the Site, the User must accept these GTU. If the User refuses, in whole or in part, any of the stipulations of these GTU, they are requested not to use the Site and its services. These GTU are accessible at any time on the Site and will prevail, if applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document. If needed, you can ask all your questions directly to Cristelle Bretnacher by sending an email to the following address:


The User undertakes to use the Site and its services in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and the regulations, and in particular not to use them for commercial purposes, prospecting, solicitation or advertising.

The User is prohibited in particular:

– any behavior likely to undermine the integrity, operation or security of the information system underlying the operation of the Site and its services;

– any intrusion or attempted intrusion into Cristelle Bretnacher’s information systems;

– any breach or attempted breach of the Site’s security measures;

– any collection, extraction or use, in any way whatsoever, of the information present on the Site;

– and more generally, any act likely to harm the rights and interests of Cristelle Bretnacher or third parties.

In the event of a breach of these T&Cs or the regulations, including any unauthorized use of the Site and its services noted by Cristelle Bretnacher, Cristelle Bretnacher reserves the right to terminate this contractual relationship, automatically, without notice or compensation, to delete the User's reservation, as well as to block any future access of the User to all or part of the Site and its services.


The Site and all the elements which compose it or which are made available to Users, in particular brands, logos, photographs, programs, videos, data, images, whether animated or not, sounds, drawings, graphics, videos, texts, layout, appearance , structure, as well as any other element not linked to hypertext links to third-party sites, are the property of Cristelle Bretnacher or are the subject of a license granted for its benefit by any holder of intellectual property rights.

All these elements are subject to the provisions of the Luxembourg and international regulations applicable to intellectual property, in particular the intellectual property code and, therefore, are protected against any use unauthorized by law or these T&Cs under penalty – in case of breach – legal proceedings.

Cristelle Bretnacher grants the User on a personal, non-exclusive and free basis a right to consult and use the Site and its services for their own use and within the strict framework of the operations authorized under the terms of these T&Cs.

Subject to the rights of use granted to the User by Cristelle Bretnacher, the use of the Site and its services does not entail any license or any transfer of rights relating to the elements of the Site for the benefit of the User. In particular, any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification, distribution in whole or in part of the Site, as well as all or part of its content, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, is illicit without prior authorization, express and written from Cristelle Bretnacher or the owner of the intellectual property rights.

Failure to comply with these stipulations, in particular for commercial exploitation purposes, may be subject to prosecution on the basis of an action for counterfeiting and/or an action for unfair competition and/or parasitism of the company. on the part of the holders of the rights in question. This is without prejudice to Cristelle Bretnacher's other rights, in particular that of obtaining compensation for damages suffered.


The Site is provided to the User free of charge. Although Cristelle Bretnacher strives to provide a reliable Site, Cristelle Bretnacher does not guarantee that it is free from errors, inaccuracies or omissions, periods of unavailability, flaws or defects. Furthermore, Cristelle Bretnacher does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, legality or suitability for a particular use of the Site, the services offered there and the content published there. Consequently, the User acknowledges using of the Site, the services offered and the content published there under its exclusive responsibility.

The User acknowledges having read these T&Cs and undertakes to respect them. The User is solely responsible for the use he intends to make of the Site and its services, as well as for preserving the security and integrity of his data, hardware and software when he uses in any way the Site or its services.

Thus, Cristelle Bretnacher cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage which could result from:

– any malfunction or contamination of the computer, mobile phone or any other equipment used by the User during or after browsing the Site, impossibility of access or poor condition of use attributable to this equipment , to the internet service provider, to internet network congestion, or to any other reason external to Cristelle Bretnacher;

– electronic or telephone communications costs incurred by the use of this equipment and which are the exclusive responsibility of the User and will not be borne by Cristelle Bretnacher;

– any interruption, temporary or permanent, of all or part of the functionalities of the Site, particularly in the event of maintenance, modification or updating of the Site, in the event of a technical incident and, more generally, in the event of an event outside the control by Cristelle Bretnacher;

– any consequences that could arise due to the content of third-party websites to which the hypertext links that may be present on the Site refer;

any indirect damage that may be suffered by the User;

– any damage suffered by the User or a third party resulting from use of the Site that does not comply with these T&Cs;

– any failure to comply with the obligations provided for in these General Terms and Conditions which may be due to or originate in a fortuitous event or a case of force majeure.

In the event that Cristelle Bretnacher is held responsible for damage not provided for in this article, her liability will be limited to certain, real and direct damage.

Subsequently, under no circumstances can Cristelle Bretnacher, its representatives and its partners be held responsible for indirect damage resulting from the use of the Site, the services offered there as well as the content published there, and in particular the lack to gain, loss of profit, loss of opportunity or damage resulting from loss of data caused by the inability to use the Site and its services.


These T&Cs are precisely dated and may be modified and updated by Cristelle Bretnacher at any time, particularly in the event of changes to the Site or applicable regulations.

The applicable T&Cs are those published on the Site at the time of access to the Site by the User. Consequently, the User is invited to consult the T&Cs each time they access the Site.

This version of the T&Cs replaces all previous versions.


Cristelle Bretnacher reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily or permanently, access to all or part of the Site or the services offered there, in particular in the event of cessation of the activity linked to the provision of the Site or in case of collective procedure.


Subject to applicable law, the User agrees that these T&Cs binding him/her to Cristelle Bretnacher may be assigned, transferred or contributed, in any way whatsoever. As part of the transfer of the association to a third party, these T&Cs binding the User to Alexandra de Beauregard will be automatically transferred to the transferee.


The Site may include hypertext links to external sites or sources, other than those published by Cristelle Bretnacher. To the extent that Cristelle Bretnacher cannot control these external sites and sources, Cristelle Bretnacher cannot be held responsible for the provision of these external sites and sources, and thus declines all responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services. or any other material available on or from these sites or external sources. Also, the decision to activate hypertext links belongs exclusively to the User.

Cristelle Bretnacher reminds the User that non-affiliated external sites or sources are subject to their own general conditions of use.

If the User wishes to create a hypertext link to the Site, he or she must obtain prior written authorization from Cristelle Bretnacher by sending an email to the following address:


Cristelle Bretnacher may, in her sole discretion, accept or reject any request addressed to her for this purpose. Cristelle Bretnacher has no obligation to accept such a request, nor to provide any reason to reject such a request if applicable.


Each of the articles of these T&Cs applies separately. Any modification of the applicable regulations in force, or any decision of a court or competent authority invalidating one or more articles of these T&Cs cannot affect the validity of the entire T&Cs. Such a modification or decision in no way authorizes the User to disregard the valid provisions of these T&Cs.


These General Terms and Conditions are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more languages, only the French text will be authentic in the event of a dispute.


These T&Cs and the operations resulting from them are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with Luxembourg law.

In the event of a dispute relating to their interpretation or execution, Cristelle Bretnacher and the User will seek, before any contentious action, an amicable agreement and will communicate to this end all the necessary information.

In the absence of an amicable agreement between Cristelle Bretnacher and the User within two (2) months from notification of the dispute to the other party, express jurisdiction is given to the Luxembourg national courts.


Last updated: December 5, 2023


The purchase of a service from Cristelle Bretnacher constitutes full and unreserved implicit acceptance of these general conditions.

Coaching is individual and personalized support for a person towards autonomy in a dynamic of change. It is a co-construction process based on interviews and exercises. This process is based on a collaborative relationship, it is guided by objectives defined at the outset. It aims to enable the beneficiary to develop their potential, their know-how and interpersonal skills to better adapt to their professional environment.


These general conditions of sale apply to all transactions carried out with Cristelle Bretnacher.


Cristelle Bretnacher aims to offer coaching services to professionals and individuals.

The participation of minors requires the explicit agreement of parents or guardians, and can only be done under their supervision and after the explicit agreement of Cristelle Bretnacher.


The services comply with current Luxembourg legislation and Cristelle Bretnacher cannot be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of another country of destination.


Role of the Coach

Cristelle Bretnacher offers benchmarks that can help the beneficiary position themselves. It is a change guide who allows the person to take the necessary steps for their changes. Unlike an advisor, he refrains from stating solutions and supports the beneficiary in developing their own responses. The coaching sessions will focus on discussions and practical exercises based on examples experienced by the person being supported. Work may be requested between sessions.

Coach ethics

– Respect for the confidentiality of interviews

– Respect for the beneficiary, their person, their choices

– Respect for the purpose of coaching: developing the autonomy of the person so that they fully assume their choices

– Prohibition of any abuse of influence

– Regulation of one’s own practice in a place of supervision

Reciprocal commitments

– Involvement: the person being supported is involved in the coaching process, has time for the coaching sessions and their preparation

– Punctuality: Cristelle Bretnacher undertakes to respect appointment times and dates.

– Attendance: in the event of impediment, the beneficiary and Cristelle Bretnacher undertake to notify in advance the cancellation or postponement of the session

– Cristelle Bretnacher is bound by an obligation of means. ; he is not bound by an obligation of result. Coaching is a process that takes place over time where Cristelle Bretnacher allows the beneficiary to move towards their objectives.

– The beneficiary is responsible for his work and for all the consequences on himself. Coaching being a process of personal and professional development, the beneficiary is responsible for the decisions made. Under no circumstances can Cristelle Bretnacher be held responsible for the professional or personal decisions of the beneficiary during the Coaching period or subsequently.


The price of a coaching session is in euros, all taxes included, regardless of the country of destination and/or the geographic domicile of the client.

The price can be changed at any time. However, the price applied will be the price in force at the time of the order, except in the event of a change in the legal VAT rate in force which will therefore be that applied on the day of delivery of the services, without the possibility of any request for compensation. or reimbursement from the User.


In the context of a service provision, payment is due on the date of the service.

Payment will be made online via the PayPal, Payconiq platform. Any guarantee as to the security of this system is entirely the responsibility of the companies PayPal and Payconiq and cannot be attributed to Cristelle Bretnacher.

Unless there is a specific agreement and or special payment installment offer communicated in advance and/or confirmed in writing by Cristelle Bretnacher, registration for a service will be deemed final upon receipt by Cristelle Bretnacher of the full public price including taxes. included, which will be the trigger for delivery. This collection must take place no later than the day of the actual start of the services. Otherwise, Cristelle Bretnacher reserves the right, by simple written notification and without notice or formality, to release the place for another User.

In addition to all the provisions stipulated in this article, it is specified that any late payment will automatically result in the application of a late payment penalty rate of 20%, due automatically the day following the scheduled payment date.


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